Our Community
We respect the dignity of all persons regardless of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, or national origin and we welcome and encourage everyone to fully participate in all areas of parish life.
Who we Are
The Lord be with you.
Thank you for you interest in St. Columb’s. We are a parish in The Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi that has served the greater Jackson area for nearly 80 years. Originally located in west Jackson, St. Columb’s still maintains a connection with that neighborhood through our IONA House feeding ministry. Now located on Sunnybrook Road, we are poised for growth and service here in Ridgeland.
It’s the people!
You hear this a lot at St. Columb’s. We are a vibrant, active, and energetic parish. We love to laugh, celebrate, and socialize but also have many opportunities for quiet celebration. We love our curious children, inquistive, spirited youth, and our wise elders. We come as families, couples, singles, and as friends. We come from different faiths, backgrounds, and lifestyles. We have members who have grown up in the church and members who have joined recenlty. We each have our own story and we would love to hear yours.
What we Believe
We believe in one God...
In the Episcopal church, we believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, one God in perfect unity who gives us life, redeems us from sin and death, and calls us to new life in Jesus Christ. Our beliefs are founded in Holy Scripture, the historical Creeds and traditions of the church, and our God given ability to interpret each through reason. The best place to discover our beliefs is to look through the pages of our beloved Book of Common Prayer. Most Episcopalians will tell you the strength of our church is the broad spectrum of belief represented in our people.
We will, with God’s help.
We also strive to remain faithful to our Baptismal Covenant: to continue in the apostles teaching and the breaking of bread, to persevere in resisting evil, to proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ, to seek and serve Christ in all persons, to strive for justice and peace among all people, and to respect the dignity of every human being.​