Altar Guild
The Altar Guild sets up the nave before services, ensuring that each service has what it needs. It also implements the Customary, or rules for worship, and suggests changes to the Customary to the Rector, who oversees the liturgy. Altar Guild members also coordinate with clergy for special services on the Liturgical Calendar (Easter, Christmas, etc.)
Ministry Leader - Sharon Stewart
An acolyte is a lay person who assists in worship by carrying liturgical objects and assisting with the logistics of the service. St. Columb’s trains acolytes in house, beginning with 2nd graders.
Ministry Leader - Gordon Stewart
The St. Columb’s choir is a group of dedicated parishioners and guest musicians who offer their gifts to increase the beauty of our services every Sunday. The choir rehearses each Monday at 6 p.m. and performs each Sunday at the 10:30a.m. service.
Ministry Leader – Chrissy Hrivnak
Funeral Hospitality Teams
Teams work to provide hospitality to families who have recently lost a loved one and wish to have the funeral at St. Columb’s. In the past, teams have prepared a meal and reception for the family after the service itself.
Ministry Leader - Emily Williams
Worship Committee
This committee meets to survey the various ministries associated with worship at St. Columb’s to assess the needs of each ministry, evaluate the effectiveness of each ministry, suggest changes to each ministry, and recommend the creation of new ministries or the suspending of ineffective ministries.
Worship Committee Chair - Rev. CJ Meaders
Vestry Shepherd – Kelly Whalen

Children's Chapel
Children’s Chapel is the worship and educational experience provided for children ages 3-12 during the principle Sunday service. We are looking for teachers and assistants to help facilitate Children’s chapel each Sunday.
Ministry Leader – Amy Amundson
The greeters simply greet all those who come to the principle Sunday service at St. Columb’s, welcoming them at the door and being sure they find their way comfortably into our service.
Ministry Leader – Rev. CJ Meaders
Epistle Readers
Epistle readers read the Epistle during the principle service of worship on Sunday mornings. This ministry requires minimal training with the clergy, provided in-house at St. Columb’s.
Ministry Leader - Rev. CJ Meaders
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
LEMs assist the clergy in the administration of communion and fill in for other liturgical roles as needed. This ministry requires training and Diocesan certification, which St. Columb’s provides in house.
Ministry Leader - Gordon Stewart
Lay Worship Leaders
LWLs are trained and certified by the Diocese to lead the parish in Morning Prayer or other services in the absence of clergy to provide communion. LWLs also assist the clergy in coordinating Liturgical Servers.
Ministry Leader – Gordon Stewart
Livestream Techs
Participants help run the livestream for the principle Sunday morning service and other special services as able.
Ministry Leader - Chris Brady
Ushers assist the clergy and liturgical servers in coordinating the principle Sunday service, including the responsibilities of distributing bulletins, counting attendance, and assisting with other logistics of the service.
Ministry Leader - Tim McIntyre
The wedding committee will work with the St. Columb’s Parish Wedding Coordinator to provide and maintain the parish wedding guidelines and assist with logistical needs for parish weddings.
Ministry Leader & Parish Wedding Coordinator - Elizabeth Ducote