Operations Committee
This committee consists of each ministry leader in tis area and meets to evaluate and implement the needs of each ministry.
Committee Chair – Chris Brady, Junior Warden
Vestry Shepherd – Tad Magruder
Building In Maintenance
Participants in this ministry assess and address the needs of the physical plant of St. Columb’s campus.
Ministry Leader – Chris Brady
Church Security
The church security ministry meets to evaluate and recommend security procedures at St. Columb’s including security infrastructure, policies, and training.
Ministry Leader - Brooks Derryberry
Participants in this ministry assist the parish office in branding, networking, publishing, and other activities related to the effective marketing of our mission.
Ministry Leader - Chris Brady
Volunteers in this ministry assist in the logistics of the interment in the columbarium.
Ministry Leader – Greg Grant
Garden Group
The garden group consists of volunteer parishioners who maintain the planted areas at the front of the parish hall and adjacent to the columbarium.
Ministry Leader – Pat McIntyre
Participants in this ministry assist in the caretaking of the grounds at St. Columb’s. Special projects include the front garden of the parking lot.
Ministry Leader – Kent Hawkins